
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Essay on Photography

Essay on Photography

The first article that I read was written by Robert Sullivan. The photograph that moved me the most from this collection was on page 27. This photograph was taken in Bosnia in 1993-1994. In this photo, a dead soldier is being ritually washed at a make-shift morgue outside of a mosque before he is buried. Not only is the deceased soldier moving in and of himself, but also there are intense diagonals created by the minaret of the mosque, which had fallen over due to Serbian artillery fire, in the background. The damaged structure looms over the two gentlemen washing the body of the soldier in an ominous fashion. The use of light and shadow in this photograph also contribute to its powerful appearance.


Chapter 29 out of the book The Informed Eye, entitled Transcendental Pictures with photographs by Dorothea Lange, was the second article that I read. The photograph that affected me the most from this article was Lange's Migrant Mother, Nipomo, California, 1936. The visual qualities, such as the strong use of light and shadow and the frame created by the children, enhance the affects of the photograph. The most important elements of the photograph are, however, the tattered migrant mother and her children. The position of the two older children's bodies related to the mother show their pain and sorrow as well as their dependency on their mother. The younger child in the mother's arms is dirty and appears unhealthy. Not only do the mother's clothes appear worn out, but also the mother's face has the same tired, worn out appearance. This photograph portrays the hardships that a migrant mother and her children face.

Having read these articles and seen these images, I believe that photographs are art. Just because the process is chemical does not mean that one can take away the artistic qualities of photographs. It is true that photography can be used for aesthetic purposes, but photography plays many roles. After aesthetic use, photography can be used to document a situation, event, etc. It can be used for a hobby; for example, taking pictures of friends and putting them on a poster board. So, while photographs are art, they also play many other roles.

As far as my relation to photography, I took photography classes at my high school. As a result of these classes I have dealt with photography a good deal. I still have a continuous interest in photography to this day.

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