
Friday, April 15, 2011

Essay on the Grizzly Bear

Essay on the Grizzly Bear

The grizzly bear is one of the most fascinating animals in the world. It lives in many different places throughout the world, is one of the largest mammals, and can weigh up to 1500 pounds. The grizzly bear is also known as the brown bear, Alaskan brown bear, and Kodiak bear. Its scientific name is Ursus Arctos.


The grizzly bear is one of the largest mammals in North America even larger than the black bear. Male grizzly bears usually stand about 7 feet tall and weigh from 300 to 1500 pounds. Female grizzlies are a lot smaller than males. They weigh between 200 and 800 pounds. Because of their enormous weigh, grizzlies usually walk slowly and clumsily with its head swinging back and fourth but their massive muscles allow it to run the speed of a horse when it is necessary. Grizzly bears usually walk on all four legs but they stand when they are observing their surroundings or feel threatened by an enemy. These amazing creatures have sharp curved claws, strong shoulders, and a thick yellowish brown to dark brown fur to protect them from cold. The grizzly bears also have a tail but it is almost completely hidden within the fur.

Grizzly bears are known by a lot of people as carnivores (meat eaters) but only 15 percent of their diet is meat. They eat many different plants such as nuts, berries, fungi, sprouts, grasses and roots. Insects, fish, rodents, and other mammals are also part of their diet. Grizzly bears catch salmons when they migrate upstream with their powerful claws or their jaw. Sometimes it will even pin the fish with its paw to the bottom of the stream. To catch small rodents, the grizzly bear will dig deep into the ground to search for their dens. Before the grizzly bear hibernates, it will eat up to four hundred pounds of fat to produce a layer of fat.

Grizzly bears can be found in North America, Europe and in some places in Asia. In North America they can be found in western Canada, Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Wyoming. In Europe they settle east of the Stanovoi Range in Russia and a few are left living in France, Greece, Italy, and Spain. Other places such as China, India, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Pakistan, Syria, and Turkey also have small populations of grizzlies. Grizzly bears mostly inhabit tundras and forests with lots of trees.

Grizzly bears usually reach maturity at the age of four and a half. The male and female bears begin mating from May to early August. The clubs are then born during the grizzly's winter hibernation around January and March. Usually, only two clubs are born but it is possible for the female to have four or over. The clubs will stay with their parents until they are about two and a half. Grizzlies usually live for twenty to twenty five years old.

The Grizzly bear is one of the many animals that are on the endangered species list. Right now today, only 1% of the grizzlies are living in their former habitat. The grizzly's most common threat is humans. Grizzly bears are often killed by vehicles such as cars, trucks and trains. They are also hunted by humans. Without our help these animal will soon be extinct.

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