Essay on the Everglades
The decrease in rainfall that the Everglades are projected to suffer would end up causing more problems to the ecosystem than the ones it already has. The Everglades used to be a wetland that occupied twice as much land as the amount of land it occupies now. As people started to expand to this region, they implemented complex water management systems that have affected the region's ecosystem. The spread of the population and the land-use modifications have reduced the amount of water of the wetland. The quality of the water has been affect as well by the agricultural and industrial activities that take place in the region.
If actions are not taken, the Everglades will suffer more dramatic changes. The most important things that have to be controlled are the effects that humans have caused in ecosystem. People have to learn to protect and preserve the water resources found in the ecosystem. A plan to restore the Everglades has to deal with the issues of restoring the flows of water and its quality, as well as providing flood protection. The basic purpose of a plan has to provide ideas to restore, preserve, and protect the ecosystem while providing the water- related need of the region without altering the natural water flow that's left because this has been responsible for the reduction of the Everglades. There are also problems found in the quality of the water and people need this to be improved.
The first idea that comes to many people's mind is to restore the exact flow patterns of the original Everglades, but this isn't possible because many geographic features have changed since then and many of the land has been lost to urbanization and agriculture. That's the reason why people have to develop a new plan to provide enough water for the region or else the region will soon experience water shortages and a degradation of the natural resources found in the everglades.
A lot of water drains everyday to the coastal water every day. By capturing this water and storing it either on the surface or underground of the land, there would be enough water for all of the activities that take place in the region. People could also build water treatment areas to work on the quality of the water and its distribution. As said before, the historic ecosystem water flow cannot be restored but similar water flows cold be implemented to the region. For the agricultural and industrial needs, canals and water storage areas can be constructed to provide them water.
By improving the quality, quantity, and distribution of water flow of the ecosystem the degradation of the everglades will be reduced and this will allow a richness of biological diversity in the region and people will be able to maintain a similar lifestyle.
If actions are not taken, the Everglades will suffer more dramatic changes. The most important things that have to be controlled are the effects that humans have caused in ecosystem. People have to learn to protect and preserve the water resources found in the ecosystem. A plan to restore the Everglades has to deal with the issues of restoring the flows of water and its quality, as well as providing flood protection. The basic purpose of a plan has to provide ideas to restore, preserve, and protect the ecosystem while providing the water- related need of the region without altering the natural water flow that's left because this has been responsible for the reduction of the Everglades. There are also problems found in the quality of the water and people need this to be improved.
The first idea that comes to many people's mind is to restore the exact flow patterns of the original Everglades, but this isn't possible because many geographic features have changed since then and many of the land has been lost to urbanization and agriculture. That's the reason why people have to develop a new plan to provide enough water for the region or else the region will soon experience water shortages and a degradation of the natural resources found in the everglades.
A lot of water drains everyday to the coastal water every day. By capturing this water and storing it either on the surface or underground of the land, there would be enough water for all of the activities that take place in the region. People could also build water treatment areas to work on the quality of the water and its distribution. As said before, the historic ecosystem water flow cannot be restored but similar water flows cold be implemented to the region. For the agricultural and industrial needs, canals and water storage areas can be constructed to provide them water.
By improving the quality, quantity, and distribution of water flow of the ecosystem the degradation of the everglades will be reduced and this will allow a richness of biological diversity in the region and people will be able to maintain a similar lifestyle.
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