The Last Temptation of Christ Essay
When I decided to watch Martin Scorsese's The Last Temptation of Christ, it seemed as though I was forcing myself upon the decision. I knew that it was an acclaimed movie and I suspected that there was good reason, so I thought I'd give it a chance. My hesitation was because I also suspected that I would find the film boring, and similar to other films regarding biblical events. However, from the film's opening message that it was not based on the transcription of the Bible, until the closing credits, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my predisposition towards the movie was indeed in unjust.
The Last Temptation of Christ was intellectually stimulating, and this was its best attribute by far. The plot and metaphor of the movie are what has made it a classic. Because of this, the script is what I found to be the most remembered part of the movie. "Fear -- you look inside of me, and that's all you'll find," or, the final "It is accomplished," are two examples of the dialogue, both spoken by Willem Dafoe as Jesus, that I found to be impressive. The script remained strong throughout the entirety of the film, and right along side of it were the performances, especially Dafoe's. The combination of good script and good deliverance were perfect for delivering the story and its message to viewers, and therefore were the cause of its success.
The film's cinematography, however, was not the highlight of the film, in my opinion. There were some scenes that were done incredibly well; the crucifixion of Jesus, the baptism, and a few others were extremely memorable. In particular, the lighting turning to red in the scene where it appeared Jesus removed his heart accented the scene's emotion perfectly, and was done so well that I did not even notice the transition until it was already complete. The majority of scenes in the film, though not as well done or memorable, were still good, so the overall cinematography was good, but not the best of any film I had scene. The score was good and integrated well into the film, but, like the cinematography, was not the film's best attribute.
Overall, I was extremely pleased with the picture. The cinematography and score were positive attributes of the film, but were not its true power. That rested in the message implied through the film's story and script, and brilliantly shown to viewers through the acting.
The Last Temptation of Christ was intellectually stimulating, and this was its best attribute by far. The plot and metaphor of the movie are what has made it a classic. Because of this, the script is what I found to be the most remembered part of the movie. "Fear -- you look inside of me, and that's all you'll find," or, the final "It is accomplished," are two examples of the dialogue, both spoken by Willem Dafoe as Jesus, that I found to be impressive. The script remained strong throughout the entirety of the film, and right along side of it were the performances, especially Dafoe's. The combination of good script and good deliverance were perfect for delivering the story and its message to viewers, and therefore were the cause of its success.
The film's cinematography, however, was not the highlight of the film, in my opinion. There were some scenes that were done incredibly well; the crucifixion of Jesus, the baptism, and a few others were extremely memorable. In particular, the lighting turning to red in the scene where it appeared Jesus removed his heart accented the scene's emotion perfectly, and was done so well that I did not even notice the transition until it was already complete. The majority of scenes in the film, though not as well done or memorable, were still good, so the overall cinematography was good, but not the best of any film I had scene. The score was good and integrated well into the film, but, like the cinematography, was not the film's best attribute.
Overall, I was extremely pleased with the picture. The cinematography and score were positive attributes of the film, but were not its true power. That rested in the message implied through the film's story and script, and brilliantly shown to viewers through the acting.
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