Under the Eagle: A Tale of Military Adventure and Reckless Heroism with
the Roman Legions by Simon Scarrow
Simon Scarrow’s “Under the Eagle” is a nicely written historical novel. It describes the events of Roman invasion to Britain. Service in the army was a decent activity for Quintus Licinius Cato. But his colleagues considered him “rara avis” and didn’t think he deserved being in such a glorious army. Later his bravery in bloody battles gained respectful attitude of his companions. But these were only first ordeals of the expedition. Together with his companions Cato ought to overcome numerous troubles. Legionaries tried to succeed in the most dangerous undertaking ever known. Even Julius Caesar failed to conquer barbarous tribes of mysterious and gloomy British Isles. The book tells about adventures of legionary Cato under the leadership of a significant personality – Titus Flavius Vespasian, future emperor.
At the beginning of the story we got acquainted with a new centurion Macro who became responsible for millions of important affairs. The author described everyday troubles of Macro before he got used with his new position. Presence of a stranger woman among the soldiers for example was strictly forbidden. Macro however patiently reacted to such small bustles but paid attention to more significant affairs. Cato is a new recruit, who appeared to be a son of Emperor's slave. His father was wholly devoted to former leaders up to his death (Scarrow, 2001, Chapter 1). He was just a slave but managed to gain freedom for his son in case the latter would go to military service. In this way molly-coddle sixteen years old Cato became not even a soldier but an option. He got a position of centurion’s helper, and at first suffered from sneers from the side of fellow-soldiers. Nevertheless he gradually gained experience in military service and strived to become a decent employee for such a high position. The author emphasized the contrast between inexperienced Cato and Macro, who got his position after 14 years of hard soldier’s life. He had to come through numerous battles and got acquainted with all kinds of weapons. He had to possess certain personal qualities apart from military skills. He learnt to endure all the hardships of the war and proved to be ready to become a centurion. Cato however had no military experience, except perfect knowledge of literary works of outstanding commanders. However lack of practical knowledge and poor physical strength didn’t break his inner fighting spirit. He proved to be a resourceful and brave young man who managed to overcome many troubles. At first it was hard for him to get used to hard military life, which often made him sick. Besides he felt lonely, having no one to help and support. In order to become a real soldier, one ought to work hard. Despite his young age Cato finally proved to be a decent legionary. Roman legionary is the most disciplined trained and battle-hardened soldiers in the whole world (Scarrow, 2001).
Friday, April 6, 2018
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