research is very important tool which an organization can expand and
grow its businesses. In order to understand how marketing research is
done, I would make reference to one of the marketing survey in which
I participated as a member of a focused group. Indeed, Cypricot Inc.
the company that organized for the survey was in to find out the
probable reasons as to why consumers prefer the services of its rival
company over its own company. It is on this basis that focus groups
were formed with questions on the telephony industry with reference
to Cypricot and its competitors.
My experience
during the focus group discussion was very good. Indeed, we had a
host of questions to discuss with regard to products offered by the
telephony companies and hoe they differed with those offered by
Cypricot. On this basis, we were able to identify factors that
favored the design of the products and services offered by Cypriot’s
competitors and how Cypricot could turn its opportunities into
expansion strategies. During the interaction, I appreciated that
focus group is a very important tool of research as a variety of
response and information could be obtained from each member on the
market and the strategic moves the company ought to take so as to
gain a competitive advantaged.